The Legislative Budget and Audit Committee (LB&A) has the authority to hire consultants to educate and inform the Alaska State Legislature and the public on a variety of issues that are important to the State of Alaska’s budget and economy. Oil and gas revenues have played an integral part in the State of Alaska’s budget for many decades. On this page, you can find materials produced by the consultants hired by LB&A to review various tax regimes and proposals.
Date | Document Title | Committee | Issue | Author | Legislature | File | File Size | hf:doc_tags |
2023-08-29 | Training: Fiscal Systems Seminar Day 2 - PM | LB&A | Proposals | IN3NERGY | 33rd | 2 MB | proposals | |
2023-08-29 | Training: Fiscal Systems Seminar Day 2 - AM | LB&A | Proposals | IN3NERGY | 33rd | 9.1 MB | proposals | |
2023-08-28 | Training: Fiscal Systems Seminar Day 1 - PM | LB&A | Proposals | IN3NERGY | 33rd | 11.4 MB | proposals | |
2023-08-28 | Training: Fiscal Systems Seminar Day 1 - AM | LB&A | Proposals | IN3NERGY | 33rd | 14 MB | proposals | |
2022-01-10 | Training: Petroleum Industry | LB&A | Proposals | IN3NERGY | 32nd | 5.48 MB | proposals | |
2021-09-13 | Presentation: Assessment of Recent Trends in Upstream Oil & Gas and the State of Alaska's Competitive Position | LB&A | Proposals | Gaffney Cline | 32nd | 438 KB | proposals | |
2020-02-25 | Report: Analysis of Ballot Initiative 19OGTX | LB&A | Proposals | IN3NERGY | 31st | 395.5 KB | proposals | |
2020-02-26 | Presentation: Ballot Initiative 19OGTX | House Resources | Proposals | IN3NERGY | 31st | 8.2 MB | proposals | |
2020-03-02 | Report: Analysis of Ballot Initiative 19OGTX | LB&A | Proposals | Gaffney, Cline & Associates | 31st | 257.4 KB | proposals | |
2020-01-22 | Oil and Gas Training 101 | LB&A | Proposals | IN3NERGY | 31st | 23.2 MB | proposals | |
2020-01-23 | Oil and Gas Training 102 | LB&A | Proposals | IN3NERGY | 31st | 13.9 MB | proposals | |
2020-01-27 | Presentation: Petroleum Fiscal Policy | House Resources | Proposals | IN3NERGY | 31st | 8.7 MB | proposals | |
2020-02-18 | Questions for Discussion of BP/Hilcorp Transaction | House Resources | Proposals | IN3NERGY | 31st | 1.8 MB | proposals | |
2020-02-27 | Presentation: Petroleum Fiscal Regime Planning | House Energy | Proposals | IN3NERGY | 31st | 8.4 MB | proposals | |
2020-02-28 | Oil and Gas Training 103 | LB&A | Proposals | IN3NERGY | 31st | 10.8 MB | proposals | |
2020-08-06 | BP-Hilcorp Transaction State Authority And Regulatory Process | LB&A | Proposals | Weissler Consulting | 31st | 675.7 KB | proposals | |
2015-01-27 | enalytica Special Report, Impact of Alaska Oil and Gas Production Tax Credits at Low Oil Prices, Jan 2015 | N/A | Proposals | enalytica | 29th | 354.0 KB | proposals | |
2015-01-27 | enalytica, O&G Production Tax Credits for S FIN January 2015 | N/A | Proposals | enalytica | 29th | 375.7 KB | proposals | |
2016-08-22 | Stratas-Analysis of Senate Bill 5005 - 2016 Aug | N/A | Proposals | Stratas | 29th | 1.2 MB | proposals | |
2016-02-25 | enalytica, HB 247 Overview H RES, February 25, 2106 | N/A | Proposals | enalytica | 29th | 598.9 KB | proposals | |
2016-02-29 | enalytica, HB247 Overview - Cook Inlet, February 26, 2016 | N/A | Proposals | enalytica | 29th | 379.3 KB | proposals | |
2016-04-01 | enalytica, HB 247: Key Issues & Assessment, April 1, 2016 | N/A | Proposals | enalytica | 29th | 1.6 MB | proposals | |
2016-04-01 | enalytica, Oil & Gas Credits, April 2, 2016 | N/A | Proposals | enalytica | 29th | 1.3 MB | proposals | |
2016-04-12 | enalytica, CS SB 130: Impact Analysis, April 12, 2016 | N/A | Proposals | enalytica | 29th | 368.5 KB | proposals | |
2016-04-15 | enalytica, CS SB 130: Key Issues and Assessment, April 14, 2016 | N/A | Proposals | enalytica | 29th | 1.1 MB | proposals | |
2017-02-22 | Rich Ruggiero Presentation To House Resources, February 20, 2017 | N/A | Proposals | Castle Gap | 30th | 5.0 MB | proposals | |
2017-02-28 | Castle Gap Advisors Presentation To House Resources February 27, 2017 | N/A | Proposals | Castle Gap | 30th | 685.7 KB | proposals | |
2017-03-02 | Castle Gap Advisors Presentation To House Resources March 1, 2017 | N/A | Proposals | Castle Gap | 30th | 133.6 KB | proposals | |
2017-03-28 | Petroleum Fiscal Design Model Instructions, March 27, 2017 | N/A | Proposals | Castle Gap | 30th | 844.7 KB | proposals | |
2017-04-11 | Petroleum Fiscal Design Model, March 27, 2017 | N/A | Proposals | Castle Gap | 30th | 139.6 KB | proposals | |
2017-05-01 | Castle Gap Presentation To House Finance, March 23, 2017 | N/A | Proposals | Castle Gap | 30th | 1.5 MB | proposals | |
2017-05-01 | Castle Gap Model Session House Finance, March 24, 2017 | N/A | Proposals | Castle Gap | 30th | 265.7 KB | proposals | |
2017-05-01 | Castle Gap Understanding The Impact Of NOLs March 29, 2017 | N/A | Proposals | Castle Gap | 30th | 740.9 KB | proposals | |
2017-05-17 | Evaluation of HB 111, April 15, 2017 | N/A | Proposals | Roger Marks | 30th | 1.8 MB | proposals | |
2017-05-17 | Loss Recovery: Under SB 21 and Possible Modifications, April 19, 2017 | N/A | Proposals | Roger Marks | 30th | 117.9 KB | proposals | |
2017-05-17 | Senate CS for CS for HB 111 (Ver C-P): Some Observations, April 27, 2017 | N/A | Proposals | Roger Marks | 30th | 301.7 KB | proposals | |
2017-05-17 | HB 111 Hard Floor: Price Crossover Points Where Loss Recovery Begins, A Supplement to April 27 Presentation, April 28, 2017 | N/A | Proposals | Roger Marks | 30th | 99.3 KB | proposals | |
2013-01-31 | PFC Senate TAPS Throughput Committee | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer, Tony Reinsch | 28th | 5.3 MB | proposals | |
2013-01-31 | PFC Senate Taps Throughput Committee Supplement | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer, Tony Reinsch | 28th | 5.5 MB | proposals | |
2013-02-06 | PFC Energy - Senate Resources Committee | N/A | Proposals | Tony Reinsch | 28th | 3.7 MB | proposals | |
2013-02-15 | PFC Energy - Senate Resources Committee | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 28th | 2.8 MB | proposals | |
2013-02-15 | PFC Energy - House Resources Committee | House Resources | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 28th | 3.4 MB | proposals | |
2013-02-22 | PFC Energy - Senate Resources Committee | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 28th | 7.0 MB | proposals | |
2013-03-17 | PFC Energy - Senate Finance Committee | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 28th | 674.3 KB | proposals | |
2013-03-04 | PFC Energy - Senate Finance Committee | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 28th | 5.3 MB | proposals | |
2013-04-02 | PFC Energy - Senate Finance Committee | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer, Tony Reinsch | 28th | 1.2 MB | proposals | |
2013-03-25 | PFC Energy - House Resources Committee | House Resources | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 28th | 1.3 MB | proposals | |
2013-04-02 | PFC Energy - House Resources Committee | House Resources | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 28th | 3.4 MB | proposals | |
2013-04-13 | PFC Energy - HCS SB21 Government Take Competitiveness Slides | N/A | Proposals | PFC Energy | 28th | 426.6 KB | proposals | |
2013-04-06 | PFC Energy - House Finance Committee | House Resources | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 28th | 1.9 MB | proposals | |
2012-02-17 | PFC Energy - Senate Resources Committee | N/A | Proposals | Tony Reinsch | 27th | 898.3 KB | proposals | |
2012-02-16 | PFC Energy - Senate Resources Committee | N/A | Proposals | Tony Reinsch | 27th | 2.6 MB | proposals | |
2012-02-27 | PFC Energy Requested Additional Analysis - Senate Resources Committee | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 27th | 746.6 KB | proposals | |
2012-02-27 | PFC Energy CSSB192 Analysis and Ammendments - Senate Resources Committee | Senate Resources | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 27th | 928.3 KB | proposals | |
2012-03-06 | PFC Energy B9 Analysis - Senate Resources Committee | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 27th | 674.9 KB | proposals | |
2012-03-15 | PFC Energy - Senate Finance Committee | N/A | Proposals | Gerald Kepes | 27th | 5.5 MB | proposals | |
2012-03-23 | PFC Energy - Senate Finance Committee | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 27th | 802.5 KB | proposals | |
2012-03-22 | PFC Energy - Senate Finance Committee | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 27th | 1.5 MB | proposals | |
2012-03-29 | PFC Energy - Senate Finance Committee | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 27th | 478.1 KB | proposals | |
2012-03-27 | PFC Energy - Senate Finance Committee | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 27th | 586.1 KB | proposals | |
2012-03-30 | PFC Energy - Senate Finance Committee | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 27th | 844.4 KB | proposals | |
2012-04-03 | PFC Energy - Senate Finance Committee | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 27th | 332.2 KB | proposals | |
2012-04-04 | PFC Energy (morning presentation) - Senate Finance Committee | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 27th | 262.3 KB | proposals | |
2012-04-04 | PFC Energy (afternoon presentation) - Senate Finance Committee | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 27th | 302.2 KB | proposals | |
2012-04-05 | PFC Energy - Senate Finance Committee | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 27th | 430.8 KB | proposals | |
2012-04-09 | PFC Energy - Senate Finance Committee | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 27th | 586.5 KB | proposals | |
2012-04-10 | PFC Energy - Senate Finance Committee | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 27th | 703.4 KB | proposals | |
2012-04-11 | PFC Energy - Senate Finance Committee | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 27th | 398.9 KB | proposals | |
2012-04-20 | PFC Energy - Senate Resources Committee | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 27th | 196.9 KB | proposals | |
2012-04-12 | PFC Energy - Senate Finance Committee | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 27th | 324.0 KB | proposals | |
2012-04-21 | PFC Energy - House Resources Committee | House Resources | Proposals | Tony Reinsch | 27th | 6.0 MB | proposals | |
2012-04-21 | PFC Energy (revised) - House Resources Committee | House Resources | Proposals | Tony Reinsch | 27th | 6.0 MB | proposals | |
2012-04-23 | PFC Energy - House Resources Committee | House Resources | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 27th | 1.0 MB | proposals | |
2012-04-24 | PFC Energy - Senate Resources Committee | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 27th | 804.1 KB | proposals | |
2012-06-30 | PFC Energy Post Session Responses - House Resources Committee | House Resources | Proposals | Janak Mayer | 27th | 1.1 MB | proposals | |
2014-04-08 | Senate Resources - Modeling Government Take under SB 192 | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer & Nikos Tsafos | 28th | 1.7 MB | proposals | |
2011-11-02 | Wood Mackenzie, Petroleum Economics & Fiscal Systems Training Course, Key Findings | N/A | Proposals | Dr. David Wood | 30th | 129.7 KB | proposals | |
2014-04-08 | Senate Resources - SB 192 | N/A | Proposals | Janak Mayer & Nikos Tsafos | 28th | 153.4 KB | proposals | |
2011-12-06 | Van Meurs Seminar Day One, World Rating of Oil and Gas Terms | N/A | Proposals | Pedro van Meurs | 29th | 2.3 MB | proposals | |
2011-12-07 | Van Meurs Seminar Day Two, Oil and Gas Fiscal Policy Options For Alaska | N/A | Proposals | Pedro van Meurs | 28th | 2.5 MB | proposals | |
2012-02-13 | Van Meurs Addendum 1 - Senate Finance Committee | N/A | Proposals | Pedro van Meurs | 27th | 443.4 KB | proposals | |
2012-02-13 | Van Meurs Addendum 2 - Senate Finance Committee | N/A | Proposals | Pedro van Meurs | 27th | 307.2 KB | proposals | |
2012-02-13 | Van Meurs Addendum 1a - Senate Finance Committee | N/A | Proposals | Pedro van Meurs | 27th | 899.6 KB | proposals | |
2012-02-13 | Van Meurs Presentation - Senate Finance Committee | N/A | Proposals | Pedro van Meurs | 27th | 3.6 MB | proposals | |
2006-02-14 | Van Meurs Proposal For A Profit Based Tax | N/A | ACES | Pedro van Meurs | 25th | 1.1 MB | aces | |
2006-03-05 | Van Meurs Progressive Feature | N/A | ACES | Pedro van Meurs | 25th | 99.3 KB | aces | |
2006-04-17 | Van Meurs Economic Analysis Of ASGFC | N/A | ACES | Pedro van Meurs | 25th | 756.1 KB | aces | |
2006-04-22 | Johnston DOR Alaska Oil Tax Legislation | N/A | ACES | Daniel Johnston | 25th | 343.6 KB | aces | |
2006-05-01 | Van Meurs Revenue Exclusion Analysis | N/A | ACES | Pedro van Meurs | 25th | 26.0 KB | aces | |
2006-08-05 | Van Meurs Enhancement Of The Gross Character Powerpoint | N/A | ACES | Pedro van Meurs | 25th | 37.9 KB | aces | |
2006-08-08 | Van Meurs Disallowing Deemed Capital Maintenance Costs | N/A | ACES | Pedro van Meurs | 25th | 19.4 KB | aces | |
2008-02-01 | Dan Dickinson SB 242 | N/A | Proposals | Dan Dickinson | 25th | 137.5 KB | proposals | |
2007-08-03 | OOG Powerpoint Implementation Report | N/A | ACES | Office of the Governor | 25th | 53.9 KB | aces | |
2007-09-04 | OOG Powerpoint Press Conference Documents | N/A | ACES | Office of the Governor | 25th | 124.3 KB | aces | |
2007-09-04 | OOG Powerpoint Press Conference Documents (in full) | N/A | ACES | Office of the Governor | 25th | 6.5 MB | aces | |
2007-10-01 | Dickinson & Porter Sectional Analysis | N/A | ACES | Dan Dickinson, Steve Porter | 25th | 128.9 KB | aces | |
2007-09-04 | OOG Special Session Proclamation | N/A | ACES | Gov. Sarah Palin | 25th | 68.1 KB | aces | |
2007-10-01 | DOR Sectional Analysis | N/A | ACES | Dan Dickinson, Steve Porter | 25th | 89.5 KB | aces | |
2007-10-03 | Dickinson Revenue Estimate Report | N/A | ACES | Dan Dickinson | 25th | 89.3 KB | aces | |
2007-10-05 | Bullock Sectional | N/A | ACES | Don Bullock | 25th | 3.5 MB | aces | |
2007-10-08 | Dickinson Matrix Summary | N/A | ACES | Dan Dickinson | 25th | 12.9 KB | aces | |
2007-10-05 | Bullock Sectional Analysis Summary of Governor's Oil and Gas Tax Bill | N/A | ACES | Don Bullock | 25th | 887.3 KB | aces | |
2007-10-11 | Rep. Gara Communication With DOR On "Government Take" | N/A | ACES | Rep. Les Gara | 25th | 555.4 KB | aces | |
2007-10-08 | DOR Response To French Gara | N/A | ACES | Michael Williams | 25th | 95.2 KB | aces | |
2007-10-08 | Dickinson Matrix Detail | N/A | ACES | Dan Dickinson | 25th | 21.1 KB | aces | |
2007-10-12 | OOG New Field Investment Climate | N/A | ACES | Office of the Governor | 25th | 6.7 MB | aces | |
2007-10-12 | OOG North Slope Oil And Gas Fields | N/A | ACES | Office of the Governor | 25th | 1.0 MB | aces | |
2007-10-12 | OOG What Is ACES | N/A | ACES | Office of the Governor | 25th | 6.7 MB | aces | |
2007-10-12 | OOG: Alaska is a Strong Global Competitor 1 | None | ACES | Office of the Governor | 25th | 6.8 MB | aces | |
2007-10-12 | OOG ACES Overview Handout 2 | None | ACES | Office of the Governor | 25th | 2.8 MB | aces | |
2007-10-12 | Samuels Process Memo LBA Consultants | None | ACES | Rep. Ralph Samuels | 25th | 31.0 KB | aces | |
2007-10-12 | OOG: Alaska is a Strong Global Competitor 2 | None | ACES | Office of the Governor | 25th | 6.7 MB | aces | |
2007-10-12 | OOG Clear Tools 2 | None | ACES | Office of the Governor | 25th | 6.7 MB | aces | |
2007-10-12 | OOG Community Briefing | None | ACES | Office of the Governor | 25th | 367.2 KB | aces | |
2007-10-12 | OOG Equitable Share Slide 1 | None | ACES | Office of the Governor | 25th | 6.7 MB | aces | |
2007-10-12 | OOG Mature Field Investment Climate | None | ACES | Office of the Governor | 25th | 6.7 MB | aces | |
2007-10-16 | Samuels Cover Page LBA Questions | None | ACES | Rep. Ralph Samuels | 25th | 22.8 KB | aces | |
2007-10-17 | Samuels Data Request To DOR | None | ACES | Rep. Ralph Samuels | 25th | 22.5 KB | aces | |
2007-10-16 | Legislative Finance Review Of Governor's ACES Bill | None | ACES | David Teal | 25th | 40.1 KB | aces | |
2007-10-16 | Samuels Data Request To DOR | None | ACES | Rep. Ralph Samuels | 25th | 26.9 KB | aces | |
2007-10-17 | DOR Letter To Rep. Doogan Questions | None | ACES | Pat Galvin | 25th | 370.7 KB | aces | |
2007-10-17 | DOR Response To Senator Therriault | None | ACES | Marcia Davis | 25th | 145.1 KB | aces | |
2007-10-18 | Bullock Leg. Legal Sectional Analysis Of ACES Part 2 | None | ACES | Don Bullock | 25th | 140.4 KB | aces | |
2007-10-18 | Van Meurs Presentation | None | ACES | Pedro van Meurs | 25th | 72.3 KB | aces | |
2007-10-18 | Bullock Leg. Legal Sectional Analysis Of ACES Part 1 | None | ACES | Don Bullock | 25th | 755.9 KB | aces | |
2007-10-18 | DOR ACES Presentation | None | ACES | Department of Revenue | 25th | 435.4 KB | aces | |
2007-10-18 | Johnston March 2006 | None | ACES | Daniel Johnston | 25th | 280.0 KB | aces | |
2007-10-19 | DOR Response To 10-17-07 LB&A Data Request | None | ACES | pat galvin | 25th | 50.8 KB | aces | |
2007-10-19 | Bullock Sectional Summary Hb2001 For House Oil and Gas | None | ACES | Don Bullock | 25th | 877.8 KB | aces | |
2007-10-19 | AK Journal of Commerce Article Distributed At House Oil and Gas | None | ACES | Tim Bradner | 25th | 2.6 MB | aces | |
2007-10-20 | Dickinson Porter Revised Sectional | None | ACES | Dan Dickinson | 25th | 14.5 KB | aces | |
2007-10-20 | PFC Government Take 2 | None | ACES | Torsten Wucherpfennig | 25th | 5.8 MB | aces | |
2007-10-19 | Johnston Work Session | None | ACES | Daniel Johnston | 25th | 116.4 KB | aces | |
2007-10-19 | Gaffney Cline Memo On Oil and Gas Reporting & Disclosure In Selected Countries | None | ACES | William Cline, Peter Gaffney | 25th | 376.6 KB | aces | |
2007-10-20 | Samuels Data Request To DOR | None | ACES | Rep. Ralph Samuels | 25th | 23.9 KB | aces | |
2007-10-20 | DOR Comparable Salaries Study | None | ACES | Nels Tomlinson | 25th | 804.8 KB | aces | |
2007-10-20 | DOR Total Oil Revenue FY06, Forecasted FY07-08 | None | ACES | Department of Revenue | 25th | 53.0 KB | aces | |
2007-10-20 | DOR Williams ACES Presentation | None | ACES | Michael Williams | 25th | 786.2 KB | aces | |
2007-10-20 | DOR Roger Marks ACES Presentation | None | ACES | Roger Marks | 25th | 379.0 KB | aces | |
2007-10-20 | Gaffney Cline Oil and Gas Reporting, Disclosure In Selected Countries | None | ACES | William Cline, Peter Gaffney | 25th | 805.5 KB | aces | |
2007-10-20 | Gaffney Cline Oil Company Capital Spend | None | ACES | William Cline, Peter Gaffney | 25th | 1.8 MB | aces | |
2007-10-21 | Samuels Data Request To DOR | None | ACES | Rep. Ralph Samuels | 25th | 22.7 KB | aces | |
2007-10-21 | DNR Banks Final Revised 2 | None | ACES | Kevin Banks | 25th | 119.4 KB | aces | |
2007-10-21 | DNR Banks Letter Re: Presentation to Senate Resources and House Oil and Gas Committees | None | ACES | Kevin Banks | 25th | 252.3 KB | aces | |
2007-10-21 | DOR Costs Presentation | None | ACES | Department of Revenue | 25th | 209.1 KB | aces | |
2007-10-21 | DOR Intro & Equal Value For Explorers To House Oilgas | None | ACES | Department of Revenue | 25th | 85.2 KB | aces | |
2007-10-21 | DOR What is ACES | None | ACES | Office of the Governor | 25th | 96.9 KB | aces | |
2007-10-21 | ACES Preserves Investment Climate Finizza Final | None | ACES | Anthony Finizza, Ph. D. | 25th | 561.0 KB | aces | |
2007-10-21 | Gaffney Cline Payout Timing Of Take | None | ACES | William Cline, Peter Gaffney | 25th | 52.2 KB | aces | |
2007-10-21 | DNR Comm. Irwin Testimony To Joint Committee | None | ACES | Commissioner Irwin | 25th | 42.6 KB | aces | |
2007-10-21 | A Topical Analysis of the ACES Bill - Mintz Sectional | None | ACES | Robert Mintz | 25th | 503.2 KB | aces | |
2007-10-22 | Porter Handout Senate Resource Committee | None | ACES | Steven Porter | 25th | 58.2 KB | aces | |
2007-10-22 | Porter Notes Senate Resource Committee | None | ACES | Steven Porter | 25th | 189.8 KB | aces | |
2007-10-22 | Anchorage Chamber Of Commerce | None | ACES | Kathleen Porterfield | 25th | 35.1 KB | aces | |
2007-10-22 | BP Presentation on HB2001 to House Oil and Gas | None | ACES | Claire Fitzpatrick, Mike Utsler | 25th | 7.2 MB | aces | |
2007-10-22 | Thompson Brooks Range Petroleum Presentation To House Oil and Gas | None | ACES | Ken Thompson | 25th | 120.7 KB | aces | |
2007-10-22 | Thompson Brooks Range Petroleum Testimony House Finance Committee | None | ACES | Ken Thompson | 25th | 150.4 KB | aces | |
2007-10-22 | Bullock Leg. Legal To Sen. French On Civil Penalties On Failing To Produce Info | None | ACES | Don Bullock | 25th | 217.1 KB | aces | |
2007-10-22 | Conoco Phillips Presentation To House Oil and Gas | None | ACES | Kevin Mitchell, Jim Taylor | 25th | 1.7 MB | aces | |
2007-10-22 | Dan Dickinson Presentation To Senate Resources Committee Part A | None | ACES | Dan Dickinson | 25th | 171.9 KB | aces | |
2007-10-22 | Dan Dickinson Presentation To Senate Resources Part B | None | ACES | Dan Dickinson | 25th | 119.4 KB | aces | |
2007-10-23 | Pioneer Presentation To House Oil and Gas | None | ACES | Pioneer | 25th | 1.6 MB | aces | |
2007-10-23 | Pioneer Presentation To Senate Resource Committee | None | ACES | Pioneer | 25th | 1.6 MB | aces | |
2007-10-23 | Samuels Data Request To DOR | None | ACES | Rep. Ralph Samuels | 25th | 24.3 KB | aces | |
2007-10-23 | Alliance Testimony To Senate Resource Committee | None | ACES | Paul Laird | 25th | 175.5 KB | aces | |
2007-10-23 | Anadarko Presentation To House Oil and Gas | None | ACES | Anadarko | 25th | 1.6 MB | aces | |
2007-10-23 | AOGA Testimony To House Oil and Gas Final | None | ACES | Marilyn Crockett | 25th | 249.2 KB | aces | |
2007-10-23 | AOGA Testimony To House Oil On HB2001 102307 Final Corrected | None | ACES | Marilyn Crockett | 25th | 249.8 KB | aces | |
2007-10-23 | Dan Dickinson Presentation To House Oil and Gas | None | ACES | Dan Dickinson | 25th | 258.1 KB | aces | |
2007-10-23 | DOR Memo To All Legislators North Slope Production | None | ACES | Marcia Davis | 25th | 31.4 KB | aces | |
2007-10-23 | DOR Petroleum Review 2005-2008, DOR Response To Sen. Huggins | None | ACES | Jennifer Duval | 25th | 35.6 KB | aces | |
2007-10-23 | Exxon Mobil Presentation To House Oil and Gas | None | ACES | Craig Haymes | 25th | 89.0 KB | aces | |
2007-10-23 | Exxon Mobil Handout 1 House Oil and Gas | None | ACES | Exxon Mobil | 25th | 5.8 MB | aces | |
2007-10-23 | Exxon Mobil Handout 2 House Oil and Gas | None | ACES | Exxon Mobil | 25th | 3.3 MB | aces | |
2007-10-24 | AK State Chamber | None | ACES | Wayne Stevens | 25th | 161.6 KB | aces | |
2007-10-24 | AOGA Letter Correcting 10-23-07 Testimony To House Oil and Gas | None | ACES | Marilyn Crockett | 25th | 84.0 KB | aces | |
2007-10-24 | AOGA Letter Of Correction To Senate Resources Committee | None | ACES | Marilyn Crockett | 25th | 17.4 KB | aces | |
2007-10-24 | AOGA Testimony To Senate Resouces Committee 10-23-07 Corrected | None | ACES | Marilyn Crockett | 25th | 113.8 KB | aces | |
2007-10-24 | BP Presentation on SB2001 to Senate Resources Committee | None | ACES | Claire Fitzpatrick, Mike Utsler | 25th | 7.2 MB | aces | |
2007-10-24 | Conoco Phillips Testiomony To Senate Resources Committee | None | ACES | Kevin Mitchell, Jim Taylor | 25th | 2.1 MB | aces | |
2007-10-24 | Public Testimony House Oil and Gas Dompeling & McCutcheon | None | ACES | Eric Dompeling | 25th | 129.3 KB | aces | |
2007-10-24 | DOR To All Legislators On Cap Spending North Slope | None | ACES | Department of Revenue | 25th | 12.3 KB | aces | |
2007-10-24 | DOR Cover Memo To All Legislators On Cap Spending North Slope | None | ACES | Marcia Davis | 25th | 75.2 KB | aces | |
2007-10-24 | Shields NW Technical Services Public Testimony | None | ACES | Mary Shields | 25th | 203.0 KB | aces | |
2007-10-25 | Port Of Anchorage House Economic Development, Trade and Tourism Special Committee | None | ACES | Port of Anchorage | 25th | 4.0 MB | aces | |
2007-10-25 | BP News | None | ACES | BP | 25th | 313.9 KB | aces | |
2007-10-25 | Bradner Presentation Oil and Gas - House Economic Development, Trade and Tourism Special Committee | None | ACES | Tim Bradner | 25th | 11.6 KB | aces | |
2007-10-25 | Carr AK Railroad Presentation House Economic Development, Trade & Tourism Special Committee | None | ACES | Bruce Carr | 25th | 24.3 KB | aces | |
2007-10-25 | Dickinson Analysis Of 800 Million For Senate Resources Committee | None | ACES | Dan Dickinson | 25th | 18.6 KB | aces | |
2007-10-25 | DOL Spencer Hosie Memo Distributed By DOR To All Legislators | None | ACES | Marcia Davis | 25th | 287.1 KB | aces | |
2007-10-25 | Exxon Mobil Testimony To Senate Resources Committee | None | ACES | Craig Haymes | 25th | 88.9 KB | aces | |
2007-10-25 | Goldsmith Presentation House Economic Development, Trade and Tourism Special Committee | None | ACES | Prof. Scott Goldsmith | 25th | 750.9 KB | aces | |
2007-10-26 | AEDC Presentation House Economic Development, Trade and Tourism Special Committee | None | ACES | Anchorage Economic Development Corporation | 25th | 1.1 MB | aces | |
2007-10-26 | DOL Presentation House Economic Development, Trade and Tourism Special Committee | None | ACES | Neal Fried | 25th | 230.7 KB | aces | |
2007-10-26 | DOR To All Legislators Alberta New Royalty Framwork | None | ACES | Premier Ed Stelmach | 25th | 936.2 KB | aces | |
2007-10-26 | DOR To All Legislators Alberta New Royalty Framework | None | ACES | Marcia Davis | 25th | 75.0 KB | aces | |
2007-10-27 | Van Meurs Basic Production Tax | None | ACES | Pedro van Meurs | 25th | 71.6 KB | aces | |
2007-10-27 | Van Meurs Gas Pipeline Not Economic | None | ACES | Pedro van Meurs | 25th | 115.4 KB | aces | |
2007-10-27 | DOR Response To Rep. Ramras | None | ACES | Marcia Davis | 25th | 1.9 MB | aces | |
2007-10-28 | Porter Public Ppt ACES Model House Oil and Gas | None | ACES | Steven Porter | 25th | 118.4 KB | aces | |
2007-10-28 | Dan Dickinson Progressivity Model House Oil and Gas | None | ACES | Dan Dickinson | 25th | 17.3 KB | aces | |
2007-10-28 | Dickinson Alleviate High Alaskan Energy Costs For Rep. Samuels House Oil and Gas | None | ACES | Dan Dickinson | 25th | 17.8 KB | aces | |
2007-10-28 | Doogan 10 Impossible Things House Oil and Gas | None | ACES | Rep. Mike Doogan | 25th | 46.9 KB | aces | |
2007-10-28 | Econ One Summary Of PPT Alternatives | None | ACES | Econ One | 25th | 11.5 KB | aces | |
2007-10-28 | House Special Committee on Oil and Gas - Sectional for HB2001(O&G)K | None | ACES | Rep. Kurt Olson | 25th | 69.3 KB | aces | |
2007-10-29 | AOGA Actual vs. Reasonable Costs - Senate Judiciary Committee | None | ACES | Thomas Williams | 25th | 33.4 KB | aces | |
2007-10-29 | AOGA Penalties/ Qui Tam Senate Judiciary Committee | None | ACES | Thomas Williams | 25th | 46.1 KB | aces | |
2007-10-29 | AOGA Personnel Issues Auditors Sen Jud | None | ACES | Thomas Williams | 25th | 19.6 KB | aces | |
2007-10-29 | AOGA Prudent Use Of Operators Billings Sen. Jud | None | ACES | AOGA | 25th | 102.9 KB | aces | |
2007-10-29 | AOGA Tax Credits Sen Jud | None | ACES | AOGA | 25th | 34.5 KB | aces | |
2007-10-29 | DOR Interest And Penalty Primer Sen Jud | None | ACES | Department of Revenue | 25th | 15.0 KB | aces | |
2007-10-29 | LAA Overview CSHB2001 Oil and Gas For Rep. Gatto | None | ACES | Don Bullock | 25th | 120.2 KB | aces | |
2007-10-30 | AOGA Corrosion Sen Jud | None | ACES | Thomas Williams | 25th | 21.4 KB | aces | |
2007-10-30 | AOGA Credit Buyback Fund Sen Jud | None | ACES | Thomas Williams | 25th | 23.6 KB | aces | |
2007-10-30 | AOGA Gross V Net Graph Sen Jud | None | ACES | AOGA | 25th | 113.7 KB | aces | |
2007-10-30 | AOGA Gross V Net Sen Jud | None | ACES | Thomas Williams | 25th | 37.2 KB | aces | |
2007-10-30 | AOGA Progressivity Sen Jud | None | ACES | Thomas Williams | 25th | 21.4 KB | aces | |
2007-10-30 | Dan Dickinson To House Resources Committee On Progressivity | None | ACES | Dan Dickinson | 25th | 24.2 KB | aces | |
2007-10-30 | DNR Antony Scott Transportation Issues To Senate Jud | None | ACES | Department of Natural Resources | 25th | 370.9 KB | aces | |
2007-10-30 | Gaffney Cline Model BP Drill Program Scenario House Resources Committee | None | ACES | William Cline, Peter Gaffney | 25th | 117.2 KB | aces | |
2007-10-30 | Gaffney Cline Presentation House Oil and Gas | None | ACES | William Cline, Peter Gaffney | 25th | 410.0 KB | aces | |
2007-10-31 | AOGA Topic Of Floor Senate Judiciary Committee | None | ACES | Thomas Williams | 25th | 78.3 KB | aces | |
2007-10-31 | BP Presentation on HB2001 to House Resources Committee | None | ACES | Claire Fitzpatrick, Bernard Hajny | 25th | 2.7 MB | aces | |
2007-10-31 | Conoco Phillips Presentation House Resources Committee | None | ACES | Kevin Mitchell, Jim Taylor | 25th | 1.2 MB | aces | |
2007-10-31 | DNR Alternative Tax Credits House Resources Committee | None | ACES | Kurt Gibson, Julie Houle | 25th | 631.1 KB | aces | |
2007-10-31 | DNR Div. Of Oil and Gas Organization Chart House Resources Committee | None | ACES | DNR-Division of Oil and Gas | 25th | 791.0 KB | aces | |
2007-10-31 | ACES DOR Galvin To Senate Judiciary Committee | None | ACES | Pat Galvin | 25th | 486.1 KB | aces | |
2007-10-31 | DOR Tax Division Organization Chart House Resources Committee | None | ACES | DOR-Tax Division | 25th | 854.6 KB | aces | |
2007-10-31 | Rep. Gara Communication With DOR On 2006 Profit Margins Of Conoco & BP | None | ACES | Richard Tremaine | 25th | 284.4 KB | aces | |
2007-10-31 | Gaffney Cline Presentation Sen Jud | None | ACES | William Cline, Peter Gaffney | 25th | 342.4 KB | aces | |
2007-11-01 | Anadarko Presentation To House Resources Committee | None | ACES | Anadarko | 25th | 1.5 MB | aces | |
2007-11-01 | AOGA Testimony To House Resources Committee | None | ACES | Marilyn Crockett | 25th | 96.6 KB | aces | |
2007-11-01 | DOR Memo To All Legislators On Heavy Oil | None | ACES | Marcia Davis | 25th | 2.2 MB | aces | |
2007-11-02 | BP Response To House Resources Committee | None | ACES | Claire Fitzpatrick | 25th | 13.4 MB | aces | |
2007-11-02 | Dan Dickinson To House Resprogressivity In Cshb2001 Oil and Gas | None | ACES | Dan Dickinson | 25th | 34.2 KB | aces | |
2007-11-02 | DOR The Credit Story House Resources Committee | None | ACES | Department of Revenue | 25th | 53.6 KB | aces | |
2007-11-02 | DOR Transportation Deductions House Resources Committee | None | ACES | Department of Revenue | 25th | 370.2 KB | aces | |
2007-11-02 | DOTPF Letter To DOR On Dalton Highway Maintenance Costs | None | ACES | John MacKinnon | 25th | 1.2 MB | aces | |
2007-11-02 | Econ One Report On Production Cost Increases | None | ACES | Econ One | 25th | 205.0 KB | aces | |
2007-11-04 | DOR Memo Errors In Fiscal Note Given To House Finance Committee | None | ACES | Jerry Burnett | 25th | 209.4 KB | aces | |
2007-11-05 | DOR Response To LB&A Data Requests | None | ACES | Marcia Davis | 25th | 197.0 KB | aces | |
2007-11-05 | Gaffney Cline Presentation To Senate Finance Committee Revised | None | ACES | William Cline, Peter Gaffney | 25th | 101.2 KB | aces | |
2007-11-06 | Gaffney Cline Presentation To Senate Finance Committee Revised | None | ACES | William Cline, Peter Gaffney | 25th | 111.6 KB | aces | |
2007-11-07 | Dan Dickinson Matrix Summary House Finance Committee Corrected | None | ACES | Dan Dickinson | 25th | 46.0 KB | aces | |
2007-11-07 | DOR NS Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquids Production Forecast To Senate Finance Committee | None | ACES | Department of Revenue | 25th | 33.7 KB | aces | |
2007-11-07 | Econ One Production Cost Increases To Senate Finance Committee | None | ACES | Econ One | 25th | 150.1 KB | aces | |
2007-11-07 | Gaffney Cline Presentation To House Finance Committee | None | ACES | William Cline, Peter Gaffney | 25th | 701.8 KB | aces | |
2007-11-08 | Pioneer Natural Res Presentation To House Finance Committee | None | ACES | Pioneer | 25th | 480.9 KB | aces | |
2007-11-08 | AOGA Testimony House Finance Committee | None | ACES | Marilyn Crockett | 25th | 55.8 KB | aces | |
2007-11-08 | BP Presentation on HB2001CS To House Finance Committee | None | ACES | Claire Fitzpatrick, Bernard Hajny | 25th | 308.6 KB | aces | |
2007-11-08 | BP Presentation on SB2001CS to Senate Finance Committee | None | ACES | Claire Fitzpatrick, Bernard Hajny | 25th | 308.9 KB | aces | |
2007-11-08 | Chevron Presentation To House & Senate Finance Committee | None | ACES | John Zager | 25th | 40.9 KB | aces | |
2007-11-08 | Conoco Phillips Presentation To House Finance Committee | None | ACES | Kevin Mitchell, Jim Taylor | 25th | 21.3 KB | aces | |
2007-11-08 | Conoco Phillips Presentation To Senate Finance Committee | None | ACES | Kevin Mitchell, Jim Taylor | 25th | 21.2 KB | aces | |
2007-11-08 | DOR ACES Bill Version Comparisons | None | ACES | Department of Revenue | 25th | 39.3 KB | aces | |
2007-11-08 | Econ One Additional Comparison Charts For House Finance Committee | None | ACES | Econ One | 25th | 32.9 KB | aces | |
2007-11-08 | Econ One Additional Comparison Charts For House Finance Committee | None | ACES | Econ One | 25th | 32.9 KB | aces | |
2007-11-08 | Econ One Estimated Financial Impacts House Finance Committee | None | ACES | Econ One | 25th | 54.0 KB | aces | |
2007-11-08 | Econ One Tax Rates & Progressivity Presentation Senate Finance Committee | None | ACES | Econ One | 25th | 116.0 KB | aces | |
2007-11-08 | Exxon Mobil Presentation House Finance Committee | None | ACES | Craig Haymes | 25th | 50.1 KB | aces | |
2007-11-08 | Exxon Mobil Presentation Senate Finance Committee | None | ACES | Craig Haymes | 25th | 50.2 KB | aces | |
2007-11-08 | Exxon Mobil Testimony To House Finance Committee | None | ACES | Craig Haymes | 25th | 117.2 KB | aces | |
2007-11-08 | Exxon Mobil Testimony To Senate Finance Committee | None | ACES | Craig Haymes | 25th | 127.3 KB | aces | |
2007-11-08 | Gaffney Cline Memo Oil and Gas Report & Disclosure In Selected Countries Distributed By DOR | None | ACES | William Cline, Peter Gaffney | 25th | 376.6 KB | aces | |
2007-11-09 | AOGA Testimony To Senate Finance Committee | None | ACES | Marilyn Crockett | 25th | 163.3 KB | aces | |
2007-11-09 | CIRI Letter To Speaker Harris | None | ACES | Keith Sanders | 25th | 94.7 KB | aces | |
2007-11-09 | Dan Dickinson Summary Comparison House Finance Committee | None | ACES | Dan Dickinson | 25th | 25.5 KB | aces | |
2007-11-09 | Econ One Additional Comparison Charts For House Finance Committee | None | ACES | Econ One | 25th | 1.6 MB | aces | |
2007-11-09 | Econ One Additional Comparison Charts For Rep. Gara In House Finance Committee | None | ACES | Econ One | 25th | 1.6 MB | aces | |
2007-11-09 | Gaffney Cline Presentation To Senate Finance Committee | None | ACES | William Cline, Peter Gaffney | 25th | 609.3 KB | aces | |
2007-11-10 | CERA: A Comparison Of Fiscal Regimes - Senate Finance Committee | None | ACES | Cambridge Energy Research Associates | 25th | 632.3 KB | aces | |
2007-11-10 | CERA: A Comparison Of Fiscal Regimes - Senate Finance Committee | None | ACES | Cambridge Energy Research Associates | 25th | 632.3 KB | aces | |
2007-11-10 | Econ One Additional Charts Requested By Sen. French | None | ACES | Econ One | 25th | 33.1 KB | aces | |
2007-11-11 | Dickinson Matrix Summary Ppt ACES House Finance Committee | None | ACES | Dan Dickinson | 25th | 48.0 KB | aces | |
2007-11-12 | Porter Total Revenue Presentation To Senate Finance Committee | None | ACES | Steven Porter | 25th | 74.9 KB | aces | |
2007-11-12 | Wood Mackenzie Gov. Take Special Focus Alaska | None | ACES | Dr. David Wood | 25th | 708.5 KB | aces | |
2007-11-12 | Wood Mackenzie Letter To Rep. Samuels | None | ACES | Dr. David Wood | 25th | 69.2 KB | aces | |
2007-11-12 | Dickinson Summary Comparison For Senate Finance Committee | None | ACES | Dan Dickinson | 25th | 95.1 KB | aces | |
2007-11-12 | Econ One Comparison Charts For Senate Finance Committee | None | ACES | Econ One | 25th | 61.7 KB | aces | |
2007-11-12 | Leg. Finance Presentation For Senate Finance Committee | None | ACES | David Teal | 25th | 63.2 KB | aces | |
2007-11-13 | Econ One Comparison Charts Senate Finance Committee | None | ACES | Econ One | 25th | 86.7 KB | aces | |
2007-11-13 | Leg. Finance HB2001 Revised Analysis For Senate Finance | None | ACES | David Teal | 25th | 83.0 KB | aces | |
2007-11-14 | Porter Total Revenue Share Presentation To Senate Finance Committee Corrected | None | ACES | Steven Porter | 25th | 75.6 KB | aces | |
2007-11-14 | Dickinson Illustration of Senate Finance Committee | None | ACES | Dan Dickinson | 25th | 51.0 KB | aces | |
2007-11-14 | Dickinson Summary Comparison Matrix | None | ACES | Dan Dickinson | 25th | 3.5 MB | aces | |
2007-11-14 | Dickinson Proposed CS Illustrated For Senate Finance Committee | None | ACES | Dan Dickinson | 25th | 2.3 MB | aces | |
2007-11-14 | Gaffney Cline Presentation To Senate Finance Committee | None | ACES | William Cline, Peter Gaffney | 25th | 220.5 KB | aces | |
2007-11-15 | Econ One Additional Charts Requested By Sen Stedman | None | ACES | Econ One | 25th | 4.4 MB | aces | |
2007-11-16 | Dickinson Compare Matrix | None | ACES | Dan Dickinson | 25th | 3.3 MB | aces |